“What are some impactful ways to incorporate the habit of charity into daily life, considering both financial donations and giving one’s time?”


This blog emphasizes the significance of cultivating the habit of charity in daily life, highlighting the joy and fulfillment that comes from giving back to society. It stresses the notion that nobody becomes impoverished by practicing generosity, echoing sentiments from notable figures like Anne Frank and Jim Rohn. Encouraging readers to identify causes they’re passionate about and contribute in whatever capacity they can, the blog underscores the importance of consistent acts of kindness, whether through financial donations or offering one’s time to those in need.

The Habit of Charity
“No one has ever become poor from giving.”
—Anna Frank (German-Dutch diarist)
You earn for making your life better. What you can do to
make it even better is to donate or contribute towards the
betterment of others. This is your chance of giving back
to the society in some form and you are being blessed for
it. Just like we inhale, we exhale. We earn, we spend, why
not help others in need. The joy of giving is an immense
pleasure and a noble act.
Identify a cause and donate, be consistent. It is not a
very big amount expected from you, do as much as you
can. There are a few generous people who never back out
from donating and do not even tell the whole world about
the charity. Why not donate in orphanages and in old age
homes, instead of throwing lavish parties?

A quote by Jim Rohn, (American Entrepreneur), “Only
by giving, you are able to receive more than you already
Inspired Action
Donate money or any other necessities to the needy, if
you are unable to do that, give your time to someone
who needs help.

Contact Information:
Website: www.magicalhabit.in
Email: habithemsingh@gmail.com
Phone: +91-9752372023