“What are the benefits of waking up early?”


The blog emphasizes the advantages of waking up early, such as enjoying peaceful surroundings, engaging in morning activities like exercise and meditation, and having higher energy levels throughout the day. It highlights that many successful people are early risers and offers practical tips for gradually adjusting your wake-up time. The approach involves setting alarms, creating motivational reminders, and shifting wake-up times incrementally. The overall message is that being an early bird can make your day more productive and fulfilling

The Early Bird
Who is an early-bird? Someone who is early to bed and early to rise! In this context, we are referring to a person who wakes up early in the morning before 6 am, even before others. 6-7 hours of sleep is good for health, it is a well-known fact. But many can’t get this amount of sleep due to their busy schedules. Since we are practicing techniques for the betterment of our lives and trying to cultivate a lot of
good habits, we can definitely try this one too. Benefits of being an early bird You can look up for my channel on YouTube, by the name ‘Inspire and Transform’ – Hem Singh Patle ; you can find
a video ’Why wake up early in the morning?’, uploaded in July 2019, you will find reasons and benefits in this video. Waking up early than the usual time, gives you a peaceful surrounding. You can do prayers, you can go for morning walks, go for work-outs or practice yoga, mediate or even write if you wish too. You can read inspiring books also. You have proper time to have sunlight in the morning before 6:00-8:30 am. Sunlight in the morning helps you to have better sleep at night. There are many things in life which one is unable to do in the day time; there are genuine reasons for it as well. Mornings are a better time
to be yourself. Give yourself sometime in the morning before everyone wakes up. It would be the ‘most deserved me time’. You will notice you have enough time to have proper breakfast, talk to your family if they are around and up, and plan your day accordingly. If you follow the famous life coaches, mentors and other successful personalities, you will know they begin their day early. The best advantage of waking up early is your energy levels are much higher and can keep you active throughout the day!
If you read about great leaders, you will be amazed, most of the great leaders are early risers like Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Bollywood Actor Akshay Kumar, Richard Branson, Apple CEO Tim Cook, Howard Schultz, Oprah Winfrey, Michael Phelps and Serena Williams. All have the habit of waking up early before 6 a.m. How to wake up early? Well, is simple but not easy. One needs to follow certain rules.

  1. Set the alarm for yourself only and make sure you are not disturbing others who are living with you.
  2. Keep the alarm at 10 -20 steps away.
  3. Once alarm rings before snoozing or shutting it off, ask yourself WHY do I need wake up?
  4. Ask yourself “What is the benefit of waking up early?” and think about the rewards.
  5. What are the key things I need to do now that I can’t do during the day?
  6. You can write “I am an early riser!” and paste this sticker on wall too. This will always remind you.
  7. After that splash of water on your face, tell yourself, “It is going to be an amazing day today, you are
    going to be awesome today, remind yourself time and again. This can help you to break your sleep in the right way.
  8. You can walk either at home or go jogging if possible, so that you can focus on your surroundings, you can see people are already up and running, you are not the first person, there are many who utilize their mornings and shape their day as they want! This thought also helps you to break your sleep.
    How you can shift your waking up time?
    Let us suppose, your daily habit is to wake up at 7 am and you want to wake up even more early, like at 5 am. You can follow the exercise of waking up 5 minutes early than your usual time. So, every week you shift your time by 5 Mins early for example: 6:55 am, 6:50 am, 6:45am till you reach your target time. Just by following this 5 Minute Habit, you can wake up 20 minutes before your regular time, in a month and your body will get accustomed to this shift very easily. This is a tried and tested approach. Inspired Action Being an early bird will give you advantages to make your day fruitful.

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Website: www.magicalhabit.in
Email: habithemsingh@gmail.com
Phone: +91-9752372023